Sunday, December 27, 2009
Jason Nelson is interesting
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Yet another thing I wish I could do: Beat boxing
Anyway, as a non-singer, I can say my biggest musical fantasy would be to one day discover I've got the chops of Andrea Bocelli, but sadly this is impossible for obvious reasons involving the laws of physical development and aging. The next best thing, then, would be to fill a non-singing role for one of Bocelli's European tours, i.e. be his personal beat boxer. I browsed the youtubes for a while, gathering tips on circular breathing and proper mouth shape, but finally, as is true with so so many other endeavors, I realized I had no shot and gave up. Such is life.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
No airbending necessary
Happy blizzard, and if you're traveling on the east coast tonight, be safe and try to enjoy driving slow (yes, even though it goes against your human nature).
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
My week, explained with simple logic
Universe of Discourse: {unrestricted}
Rx: x has a research paper due
1. If I have a research paper, then I am stressed.
2. If I am stressed, then I have diarrhea.
3. I have a research paper.
4. All farts are funny.
5. All normal poops are funny.
6. No diarrheas are funny.*
7. Therefore, I have diarrhea; it's not funny
As Far As the Eye can Pee from AnyaLogic
Monday, December 14, 2009
1000 is so much better than 999
If you're bored, go here.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Copy, paste
Sunday, December 6, 2009
I'm Learning Japanese So I Can Congratulate These Guys
The next two weeks are going to be hell. Between now and 13 days from now, I'll have written somewhere around 10,500 words, read over 300 pages, and sat for 5 hours of exams. Contrary to what you may believe, you should expect to see more posts as I strive to procrastinate "constructively". Also, it snowed, it's sunny, and I could spend the afternoon staring out my window, watching the powder fall off the needles of the evergreens. *Closing the blinds now*
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Haiku Monday: Quark-Gluon Plasma
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Thanks, Kate
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Things you'll need: stump, nails, hammer, booze, people
1. Hammer a nail into the stump for each person playing - try to space them out.
2. Have everyone pick out a nail - make sure that two people don't pick the same nail.
3. Make sure everyone has a drink - preferably beer or something mixed.
1. Hammer passes clockwise around the room.
2. Each person (while still holding their drink) must toss the hammer, catch it, and hit the stump according to the complexity of his/her toss.
3. If your nail gets hit, drink (more if you really get walloped, less if you get glanced).
4. If there are sparks, everyone drinks.
5. If your nail gets buried, finish your drink - you lose. (If you shine a cell phone from one side of the nail and can see the light from the other side, the nail/person is still in.)
6. If you're the last one standing, celebrate - you win.
Toss Values (feel free to come up with house rules - these are what we use)
1 rotation - 1 swing
1 rotation under the leg - 2 swings
1 rotation behind the back - 3 swings
2 rotations - 4 swings
You probably won't see more than two rotations, but you can make up the rest as you go along.
1. It's more fun to blindly swing as hard as you can than to aim at individual nails. More sparks that way, too.
2. Find a sturdy hammer. We've broken or bent every one we've used so far.
3. Use good judgement regarding location - nobody want's a broken laptop.
4. Nobody wants a broken face either. Employ safety precautions (make sure everyone can toss the hammer straight upwards).
5. Have a good night and enjoy!
*Photo Credit: photohome_uk
Thursday, November 19, 2009
I've got the shower.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
This second wind's a nor'easter
I expect some well-founded skepticism about this sudden return from the heart-broken fans, but hopefully I can prove once again that Danger: Diversion is worth your daily/weekly/monthly visit. A big thanks to those of you who voiced your distress over the lack of posts; it made me feel great about myself.
*Octopus from MarkWallace
Sunday, November 1, 2009
In case you thought I might be dead...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
One Sweet Pyramid

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Haiku Monday: Screw-Phew

Monday, September 28, 2009
Morning Routine
Shower shoes on. Grab keys, soap, and shampoo. On the way to the bathroom, lock the door. Double check (we have a burgeoning collection of homies; losing them would be heart-breaking). In the bathroom: keys next to sink, hang towel, soap and shampoo on the shower-side counter, turn the knob 315 degrees counter-clockwise, use the toilet while the water gets hot. Enter shower. Black out for twenty minutes. Emerge, clean.
Dry off. In the room: undies, socks, pants, shoes, belt, shirt. I've got Time to kill. I don my dynamic-titanium super suit, custom designed by a freshman wizkid in the engineering school. Hop out the window, activate thrusters and take off. Coast.
Scanning the campus below, I see students rushing to class, some walking, others power walking, still more trotting, and the rest in full sprint. No Time in sight. I land by an old oak where a family of chipmunks scurries, collecting acorns for the coming cold. No Time at all. I notice an impatient classroom of students, packed up to go and anxiously waiting for their professor to finish her last thought. Where did Time go? I take off again, this time thrusting from rooftop to rooftop, noticing the effortless lifestyles of the pigeons eating yesterday's cornbread from a dumpster, pecking their lives away, when I see him.
I quickly change course, increasing my altitude dramatically. I calculate a strategic trajectory and adjust my body into a dive. The wind bites my face as I approach terminal velocity. I point my toes and prepare to land. I roll, springboarding my body into a flying kick. I land Time square in the 12 on his forehead. Taking advantage of the element of surprise, I follow up with an uppercut. But Time slows down. I can't reach him in time. He catches my fist with his seconds hand and in seconds (I know because I kept an eye on that hand) I find my body shattering through a brick wall. As I recover, Time flies.
I get to my feet, punch my thruster, but all I get is smoke and empty whirring sounds. I check my watch. Late for class. I race back to my room. Grab my books, throw them in my knapsack, zip up and hotfoot it to Barnum hall. Only five minutes late. What a routine.
P.S. Isn't it refreshing to read something that isn't a haiku?
P.P.S. The moral? Time flies when you're having fun.
*Pics from D'Arcy Norman and zappowbang
Monday, September 21, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
The week in pictures
Friday, August 21, 2009
Ten things that got left behind

Thursday, August 20, 2009
High tide's a "beach"

Five things to look at
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
We're under arrest

Monday, August 17, 2009
Cape Cod - Day 1: Happy travels

Haiku Monday: Stay tuned

Monday, August 10, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Monday, August 3, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
An open letter to anonymous and KPG
You mention Pollock's importance in the art world, granting that he is "centrally responsible for freeing the canvas from the easel, the painter from her brush and palette" and the "creat[or] of a new art form." I do not aim to refute the historical impact of Pollock's art, technique, or relationship with his medium. What I would like to suggest, though, is that great art has the ability to impact an audience that has no notion of the context in which the art was made. I think there are countless artists who I would appreciate better if I had the kind of esoteric knowledge found in art history courses (not an attack on art students, I've taken two art courses in as many semesters). If I cannot see what's so special about some work without that knowledge, then, in my opinion, it's not great art. I think this is why museums have blurbs next to paintings; because art is better when you know something about it.
My opinion of Jackson Pollock's drip paintings is just that, an opinion. I wouldn't dare to elevate myself and say, "fact: Pollock's paintings are easy, one dimensional, and short on craftsmanship." Furthermore, many of the paintings of one of my favorite artists, Mark Rothko, are made up of simple bands of color. I would consider these I could do that, except that when you stand face to face with one, they evoke a magnitude of prominence I can't achieve with a simple flash program. All that said, I appreciate you disagreeing, and I appreciate you taking the time to put it down in writing. For now, we can shakes hands, and agree to disagree.
I definitely want to encourage readers of Danger: Diversion to respond. If there's something you don't like about my ideas, attitude, or taste in youtube clips, tell me, tell the community. I think our everyday lives are too void of discourse. I probably won't be able to give everyone's comments as much attention as I have given anonymous, but I'll do my best.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Seriously, though.

DIY: Abstract Expressionism

Friday, July 24, 2009
Meat-dealing vegetarians

So, if eating meat yields a lower sum utility, how can dealing meat have any better an effect? Two words that have the power to turn any utilitarian argument topsy turvy -- "It's free." Our friends at Wendy's have decided to give back to investors with this sweet coupon - no strings attached - allowing my colleague at work to pass it on to me, allowing me to pass it on to you, and allowing you to go back for as many double cheeseburgers as your heart desires (and regrets after developing around its membrane a deadly yet delicious layer of cholesterol).
My hope is that we can, together, either put Wendy's out of business, saving a butt load of cows, or save a butt load of cash, because after all, it's all about the Hamiltons, baby. Copy and paste three to a page, print, and go to town.

If you end up using the coupon, especially if you end up using it more than once, please let me know by email or a comment on this post, I'd like some assurance that this isn't bullshit.
EDIT: My buddy Calvin's local Wendy's says they're, in his words, "bogus." You know what they say about things that are too good to be true.
EDIT: Maybe all that glitters be gold. Received another report that these coupons do indeed work in NYC.
*Burger photo by pointnshoot
Monday, July 20, 2009
Google takes one small step for man

Later, I find myself playing around on Google maps. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice what at first looks to me like a graphic glitch. Another moment of studying my street view dude and I realized that Google had truly outdone itself.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Diversion: Orisinal

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Is it just me, or...

*Photos by Untitled Blue and theXenon
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
God Bento America