Monday, July 20, 2009

Google takes one small step for man

July 20, 1969 - Neil Armstrong walks on the moon, tearing down the metaphoric rampart that was our perception of the elusiveness and unattainability of space travel.
July 20, 2009 - Google commemorates the event in a most bad ass way.

We all know that for an anniversary of a noteworthy event, Google will change its home screen image accordingly, and embed a link to a relevant search term. Today was no different; the home page showed some craters in the moon spelling out our favorite (fuck Bing) search engine's name, a click on which yielded a search for "Apollo 11." Nothing out of the ordinary - Google, efficient and effective as always.

Later, I find myself playing around on Google maps. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice what at first looks to me like a graphic glitch. Another moment of studying my street view dude and I realized that Google had truly outdone itself.

"One giant leap for mankind."


  1. i hate to love google, but they make everything wonderful.

  2. I'm pissed I missed this. Whenever Google does something like that I cream my pants.

    I love when April Fools rolls round'. Why? It's a garunteed Google induced laugh riot.


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