Sorry to those who have been checking the blog every day, hoping for something new, only to find something old. I'm still getting into the groove of writing regularly, and to make it up to you I have a series of posts, the visual accompaniment for which will be aided (in full) by a real life arts student.

There are few things the government can do to enhance my (and Joe Plumber's) work week. After spending a good five minutes trying to come up with a short list, I realize that by few things, I actually mean no things, well, except for three day weekends. Today is July 4th, the day we celebrate the adoption of the declaration of independence. The magnitude of this day's importance in our national history and identity is so great, it's greatness spills into July 3rd, and uncle sam gives us the day off. Woot. Until this year, though, I've taken the three day weekend for granted. What I used to think of as just another day to sleep in and catch up on playing internet flash games, I now realize is as significant as the turning point of World War 5 (apologies, apologies -- in the last year I've met a lot of people who don't like Family Guy, and in the last year I've met a lot of people who don't like two links in the same sentence -- jeez).
Let's simplify the concept of war and say there are two sides, the good guys and the bad guys. The good guys are a band of boys who love to hate girls and race go-karts, and the bad guys are Nazi zombies. When the bad guys outnumber the good guys, what chance do the good guys have? Going kill for kill with the zombies just ends in loss, and our little rascals get wiped out. The key is to convert the bad guys into good guys. The goodies get a 1up, and the bad guys get a poison mushroom - double trouble for the baddies. The good guys win, and everyone feels good about themselves. (If anyone knows how to convert zombies, you have the rare opportunity to make this scenario much more believable.)
Same goes for the weekly war between weekdays and weekends:

"Wiped out"

"Double Trouble"
Three day weekends give the good guys a fighting chance. Enjoy your day off. And I promised you a bento box, so stay tuned.
ReplyDeleteGreat posts, great drawings
i vote michele a regular contributor